Friday, April 18, 2014

Amelia Carter- Journal Entry #3

August 14, 2265
Amelia Caster
Industry: ???
Sector: ????

    I arrived in a new place today, called Pacem. I moved here from a ruined town, North Carolina, that got destroyed when America did, but people just realized there was still people alive there. Pacem was the only place who would take us in. I am very grateful that someone took us in. As, America was destroyed, I lost my best friend. I’m hoping to find a new best friend, that I can be as close to as I was to Amy. Pacem seems like the perfect place so far.
    When me and the other people from North Carolina walked through the gates of Pacem, we were struck by automatic awe. This place only exist in dreams, there are flowers and nature everywhere. As soon as we got there, people surrounded us with bright smiles and they gave us hugs, something I’ve not had in a long time. The people were very friendly and they kept addressing me as miss until I told them my name. I think I will like it in Pacem.

Jeremiah Benson- Journal #2

September 11, 2435
Militian Industry, Sector 5
Police Officer
Jeremiah Benson

On this day, 434 years ago, tragedy struck in America which no longer exists. People called “terrorists” flew two planes into what was known as the twin towers. After that day, America went into a social, economical, and political decline. The government started to take over the lives of Americans slowly. After the National Guard shot and killed 25 people at a peaceful protest. This sparked a revolt which led to Interior War of the 2050’s. The American people won the war and they changed our government into what it is today.

On the way to work, I saw the flag of Pacem flying high on every block. I was cruising in my black, solar powered SUV, the uniform police car. My job is to protect the citizens of Pacem and I do everything I can to accomplish this. The people of Pacem are what matters to me the most, especially my young daughter. I am very happy that in today’s world, we never have to think about this kind of terrible accident happening. In Pacem, this thing has never been thought of except from the history books. I feel like it is my job to protect Pacem and it’s people so I will live by these duties forever.

James Robinson- Journal #1

James Robinson
March 31, 2356
I stare into the rising sun, as it climbs at a steady pace over the hills of my new land in which I live: Pacem. Today is my birthday, and I arrived from the forbidden outside world last night. Coincidentally, today I turn 15. It is my Decision Day, where I choose my Industry. There are five to choose from, and I am so confused. I don’t know what I should and will choose. I am leaning towards Technology or Health Care. M is on the way to pick me up and take me to take the Capability Test. M is my adopted mother. During the war, she told me, my parents sacrificed themselves to save me. M took me in, and we walked. We walked and we walked and we walked. We walked all the way from a strange, hot land, to Pacem. It took us ten years. But, we got here. M is the only person I have in my life, and she bought me this notebook last night, for me to keep while I live in my new Industry. M has only a few years left in her, and I have to accept that, and move on with my life, no matter how sad it may seem.
3 Hours Later
    My new industry: Technology

Pacem's Advertisement

Peace Doves of South Africa                      

Have you ever been in a perfect world? Well, welcome to Pacem. Our world is perfect. We have the perfect society. But you have to earn it. Freedom comes through working hard ,and putting your responsibilities first. We try to eliminate all violence. Alcohol is  prohibited, for your own protection. Gun allowance is limited for yours and others protection. We  take pride in protecting our citizens and making the best life for them. We would love to have you join us today! Come visit us at Pacem!

Utopian Seal

The seal displays Pacem's name meaning peace.
The seal also displays Pacem's motto that shows we stand to be loyal, peaceful, and hard working.
The seal also displays the utopian animal, a black lab, a symbol of loyalness, respectfulness, and man's best friend.
The black color stands as a symbol of self confidence, power, and strength. 

Declaration of Independence

In order to form a more peaceful social order, as the name Pacem implies,we have put the government in the hands of the population of people. We have learned from our many mistakes of how just one person cannot rule over an entire society alone. We have established a Triarchy, to ensure that we never fall to our knees again, as the rest of the world did in the testing of our rulership.

Our utopian animal is a dog a black lab specifically. It represents our loyal, peacefulness, caring, and a friend to all. We vow to help whenever we can. But our main goal is to make sure our society is as comfortable as possible. We promise not to push our people into lower standards. Pacem and it’s members hereby declare to follow our motto and be the best we can be.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Dear Friend,

How are you doing? Have you gotten over your fear of standing up for yourself? Are you scared to go outside still? Well since I moved to Pacem, I have gotten over all these fears! Down here, we don't tolerate violence. We care for one another and help each other when they are in need. Our normal day goes like this: wake up, eat breakfast, go to work or school, eat lunch, go back home, eat dinner, spend time with family, and still have time for yourself. You get to pick your own job industry, and live out your dreams! You can control whatever you want to do! The are six lifestyle choices that are established: health care, agriculture, education, government and technology, military, and last but not least, technology. I really think you would enjoy it here! I have never felt safer, crime is not allowed here, and nobody wants it to be either! Some of the worst people have come here and become amazing people!

Your Friend

Daily Itinerary

8:00AM-9:00AM          Waking Up & Getting Ready
9:00AM-10:00AM         Eating Breakfast
10:00AM-10:30AM      Getting To & Arriving at Work
10:35AM-12:00PM       Working at Your Job
12:00PM-1:00PM          Lunch & Break From Work
1:00PM-5:00PM            Working at Your Job
5:05PM-6:30PM            Supper & Arrive at Home
6:35PM-7:20PM            Spending Time w/ Family and/or Friends
7:20PM-8:20PM            Personal Activities
8:20PM-9:00PM            Preparing For Bed
11:00PM-8:00AM         No one Is Allowed to Leave Your House Unless Authorized Otherwise

Pacem's Government

  We have a triarchy voted upon by the people in Pacem. The three people in power will be of the three main races (Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic) to prevent racial dispute. At least one of the three people will be female and the same way for males. Our government is set up like this because three people are sure to be able to keep things under control. The three people in power will propose ideas, but the people of Pacem have the main vote.

Pacem's Rules To Follow

1. The only people allowed to have guns are the ones with hunting permits or hunting license, and a drivers license is mandatory. The reason behind this is that many people misuse them and this rule will protect our people.
2. The legal drinking age is 20. We have this rule because age you are more mature and we expect more out of you.
3. The legal driving age is 16. This rule has been set because you are more mature now and you need time to prove you are responsible before you are allowed to drink.
4. The legal voting age is 16. We say this because if you are mature enough to drive, you should be able to vote..
5. When you turn 15, you are required to get a job. This is because when you turn 16 and get older you need to save up for cars and other things and in Pacem we take pride in working hard to get things accomplished.
6. It's all about the people, you make the big decisions. This rule is in place because the people are what matters in Pacem and this is also in place to prevent rulers and a dystopian society.
7. You have to graduate from high school, college is optional. We want our people to be the best that's possible, but advanced learning is an option, while the basics are not.
8. At 15, you pick your job industry that you will go into for the rest of your life, but you are allowed to visit other industries. The industries include: Education, Agriculture, Health Care, Military, Technology, and Law & Government. This rule is established to prevent job competition and allow people to follow their dreams.
9. All alcohol is prohibited, except wine and beer-tasting (Drinks that taste like beer, but are not effective to you.) drinks. We have this in place to prevent crimes and protect your life.
10. We DO NOT tolerate discrimination, if this happens, you will be reported to Pacem's police. This is to prevent violence and prevent confrontation.

Pacem's Motto

"Freedom comes through loyalty, peacefulness, and hard work."

This is our motto because in our society, freedom is best earned through working hard and putting your and other responsibilities first. We promote loyalty, peacefulness, and hard work.

Our Utopian Animal

File:Black Labrador Retriever portrait.jpg

The black lab represents loyal, respectful, and they are man's best friend and this is our hopes for Pacem.
