Friday, April 18, 2014

Jeremiah Benson- Journal #2

September 11, 2435
Militian Industry, Sector 5
Police Officer
Jeremiah Benson

On this day, 434 years ago, tragedy struck in America which no longer exists. People called “terrorists” flew two planes into what was known as the twin towers. After that day, America went into a social, economical, and political decline. The government started to take over the lives of Americans slowly. After the National Guard shot and killed 25 people at a peaceful protest. This sparked a revolt which led to Interior War of the 2050’s. The American people won the war and they changed our government into what it is today.

On the way to work, I saw the flag of Pacem flying high on every block. I was cruising in my black, solar powered SUV, the uniform police car. My job is to protect the citizens of Pacem and I do everything I can to accomplish this. The people of Pacem are what matters to me the most, especially my young daughter. I am very happy that in today’s world, we never have to think about this kind of terrible accident happening. In Pacem, this thing has never been thought of except from the history books. I feel like it is my job to protect Pacem and it’s people so I will live by these duties forever.

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