Friday, April 18, 2014

James Robinson- Journal #1

James Robinson
March 31, 2356
I stare into the rising sun, as it climbs at a steady pace over the hills of my new land in which I live: Pacem. Today is my birthday, and I arrived from the forbidden outside world last night. Coincidentally, today I turn 15. It is my Decision Day, where I choose my Industry. There are five to choose from, and I am so confused. I don’t know what I should and will choose. I am leaning towards Technology or Health Care. M is on the way to pick me up and take me to take the Capability Test. M is my adopted mother. During the war, she told me, my parents sacrificed themselves to save me. M took me in, and we walked. We walked and we walked and we walked. We walked all the way from a strange, hot land, to Pacem. It took us ten years. But, we got here. M is the only person I have in my life, and she bought me this notebook last night, for me to keep while I live in my new Industry. M has only a few years left in her, and I have to accept that, and move on with my life, no matter how sad it may seem.
3 Hours Later
    My new industry: Technology

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