Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pacem's Rules To Follow

1. The only people allowed to have guns are the ones with hunting permits or hunting license, and a drivers license is mandatory. The reason behind this is that many people misuse them and this rule will protect our people.
2. The legal drinking age is 20. We have this rule because age you are more mature and we expect more out of you.
3. The legal driving age is 16. This rule has been set because you are more mature now and you need time to prove you are responsible before you are allowed to drink.
4. The legal voting age is 16. We say this because if you are mature enough to drive, you should be able to vote..
5. When you turn 15, you are required to get a job. This is because when you turn 16 and get older you need to save up for cars and other things and in Pacem we take pride in working hard to get things accomplished.
6. It's all about the people, you make the big decisions. This rule is in place because the people are what matters in Pacem and this is also in place to prevent rulers and a dystopian society.
7. You have to graduate from high school, college is optional. We want our people to be the best that's possible, but advanced learning is an option, while the basics are not.
8. At 15, you pick your job industry that you will go into for the rest of your life, but you are allowed to visit other industries. The industries include: Education, Agriculture, Health Care, Military, Technology, and Law & Government. This rule is established to prevent job competition and allow people to follow their dreams.
9. All alcohol is prohibited, except wine and beer-tasting (Drinks that taste like beer, but are not effective to you.) drinks. We have this in place to prevent crimes and protect your life.
10. We DO NOT tolerate discrimination, if this happens, you will be reported to Pacem's police. This is to prevent violence and prevent confrontation.

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